Killepitsch&Oropax delivery service: Marie

Hey, good news. Marie made it to Singapur. We as well. We met at the airport and all went well. Unluckily all hotels, even Marina Bay Sands, are full. Some events going on. So we ended up in a hotel you can rent by the hour – of course in the red light district of Singapore. Well, for the night it is reasonable cheap, even with two girls. 🙂

So the delivery brought us some of the great herbs-sprit of our home town, called „Killepitsch“. Only in a plastic bottle for a secure trip.

Mony beeing happy with Killepitsch.

Give it a try ..........

Yes, very, very nice stuff.


When we left, I did put about 10 boxes of Oropax in my beauty case. Unluckily I forgot my beauty case. So I had only 2 boxes in my bag. Unluckily Moni took one of them … so one box was left. In most asian countries they did not know what is Oropax and they do not know what is noice – they just do not care about noice at any day- or nighttime. So Oropax is needed a lot. I sleep each night with Oropax. So 3 month with one set of Oropax … See the difference in the picture.

Oropax before and after 3 month usage. Guess which is which.



Über Timo

Der, der mit Moni rumfÀhrt.
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12 Antworten zu Killepitsch&Oropax delivery service: Marie

  1. Dirk sagt:

    Na dann teilt Euch die DĂŒsseldorfer „Medizin“ mal gut ein 🙂

  2. Sabine sagt:

    hhhmm, also bei diesem Zustand der Oropax könnt Ihr auch den Killepitsch gut gebrauchen!! 😉

  3. Tine sagt:

    so Dinger kann man auch waschen…;-)

    • Timo sagt:

      Hm, geht so. Problem ist, dass der Schaumstoff dann noch mehr an Spannkraft verlieht und dann nicht mehr aufquillt im Ohr und den LÀrm abhÀlt. Naja, hat dieser auch nicht mehr. Aber der Dreck hat den zusammen gehalten.

  4. Tine sagt:

    wohin geht es als nÀchstes? Australien? Neuseeland? Tasmanien? Samoa?
    sonnige und sommerliche GrĂŒĂŸe,

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